

Local 资源 to Help Your Business Weather the Next Storm with Background Image of Storm Clouds


计划可以帮助您更快地恢复运营, and it gives you a competitive advantage by providing your customers assurance that you’re prepared to serve them even after a disaster. 

  1. 自助计划指南: 访问 Floridadisaster.商业 for an interactive guide that will generate a custom plan tailored to your business 准备好了.Gov /业务 
  2. 免费专家帮助: SBDC专家可以帮助您制定定制的灾难计划. 更多信息请致电863-784-7378.
  3. 准备好你的应急包: Assemble your essential documents to ensure you have the items needed to quickly submit insurance claims and apply for potential support programs. 在此查看建议的灾难工具箱清单(PDF). 




1. 订阅我们的 业务提醒 for realtime information on the activation of support programs, urgent updates and more. (仅限业务更新)

2. 订阅 警报高地 有关恶劣天气的紧急警报, 意外封路, 失踪人员, 以及建筑物或社区的疏散. (所有县更新)

3. 向州紧急业务数据库注册您的业务,网址为 Floridadisaster.商业.





Complete the Governor-activated 在线 damage assessment, which takes just a few minutes. Your information will be shared with emergency response agencies to expedite implementation of appropriate disaster relief programs.

商业损失评估调查 可以在网上拍吗 http://business.floridadisaster.org/BusinessDamageAssessments

Depending on the severity of a disaster, a number of resources may be activated to help businesses. 这些资源包括:




需要帮助? 如有查询,请拨打免费电话与小企业管理局联系 800-659-2955 或电邮至 DisasterCustomerService@sba.政府

订阅小企业管理局的电子通讯 接收有关日期的最新资料, 时间和呼叫信息的各种网络研讨会会议的程序. 


Sba债务减免-  活跃的 

This program will provide immediate relief to small businesses with non-disaster SBA loans, 特别是第7(a)条, 504, 和小额贷款. 在它, SBA将承担这些SBA贷款的所有贷款付款, 包括本金, 感兴趣, 和费用, 六个月. This relief will also be available to new borrowers who take out loans within six months of the President signing the bill into law.


需要帮助? 如有查询,请拨打免费电话与小企业管理局联系 800-659-2955 或电邮至 DisasterCustomerService@sba.政府

查看常见问题 在这里.



工资保障计划 ——不活跃

美国.S. 小企业管理局, 在与财政部协商后, 于2021年1月8日宣布, that the 薪水保障计划 (PPP) will re-open the week of 1月11日 for new borrowers and certain existing PPP borrowers.


薪水保障计划 贷款的目的是为小企业提供直接激励吗, 员工少于500人, 让他们的员工继续工作. 的 小企业管理局 (SBA) program provides eight weeks of cash-flow assistance through 100 percent federally guaranteed loans. 的 SBA will partially forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, 租金, 按揭利息或水电费.

促进获得资本, initially only community financial institutions will be able to make First Draw PPP Loans on Monday, 1月11日, 以及周三的第二笔PPP贷款, 1月13日. 此后不久,PPP将向所有参与的贷款机构开放. Updated PPP guidance outlining Program changes to enhance its effectiveness and accessibility was released on January 6 in accordance with the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, 非营利组织, 及场地法.

This round of the PPP continues to prioritize millions of Americans employed by small businesses by authorizing up to $284 billion toward job retention and certain other expenses through March 31, 2021, and by allowing certain existing PPP borrowers to apply for a Second Draw PPP Loan. 点击这里了解更多



PPP先提取贷款 对于第一次参加项目的人.
PPP二次提取贷款 beginning 1月13日, 2021 for certain businesses who have previously received a PPP loan.

点击这里 有关资格的资料, 贷款计划详情, 以及如何向佛罗里达小企业发展中心申请.

的 佛罗里达小企业发展中心网络 recommends contacting your primary business bank first. If your banker does not participate in the program, they can refer you to a local participating bank. 你也可以通过SBA的在线网站在该地区找到SBA认可的贷款人 贷款人匹配工具.

周三, 6月17日, 2020 the SBA and Treasury announced new EZ and revised Full Forgiveness Applications f或者是 薪水保障计划. 阅读完整的新闻稿 在这里

点击这里 查看EZ宽恕申请.
点击这里 查看“完全宽恕申请”.

需要帮助? 如有查询,请拨打免费电话与小企业管理局联系 800-659-2955 或电邮至 DisasterCustomerService@sba.政府



短期补偿方案 -   活跃的 

短期补偿计划 is a voluntary employer program available to provide prorated Reemployment Assistance benefits to employees. 的se individuals may have had work hours and earnings reduced due to the implementation of a Short-Time Compensation plan to avoid a total layoff of some employees amid COVID-19.



需要帮助? 为调查, plese contact the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity toll-free at 800-204-2418. 



小企业贷款计划 活跃的 

小企业贷款计划 is available to qualified businesses that demonstrate adequate historical and/or proposed cash flow coverage and other credit underwriting metrics. 贷款收益必须用于商业目的. 商业目的包括, 但不限于:启动成本, 营运资本, 业务采购, 特许经营费用, 库存, 以及购买, 建设 renovation or tenant improvements of an eligible place of business that is not for passive real estate investment purposes. 贷款参与率最高可达贷款总额的50%. 504过桥贷款参与, lenders are permitted to finance equipment and owner-occupied real estate purchases up to 90 percent of the total project cost. 贷款金额从25万美元到500万美元不等.



需要帮助? 如有查询,请联系佛罗里达企业公司 407-956-5600 或访问 第一首创金融公司 在线.


小额信贷担保项目 活跃的 

小额信贷担保项目 is available to stimulate access to credit for entrepreneurs and small businesses in Florida by providing targeted guarantees to loans made to such entrepreneurs and small businesses. Funds appropriated to the program must be reinvested and maintained as a long-term and stable source of funding f或者是 program.


Effective immediately and during these unprecedented circumstances related to COVID-19, Enterprise Florida is suspending initial fees (normally 2%) to assist small businesses with access to credit.

需要帮助? 如有查询,请联系佛罗里达企业公司 407-956-5600

黑人商业贷款计划 活跃的 

黑人商业贷款计划(BBLP) offers alternative lending solutions to Florida-based black owned small businesses by providing short-term loans and technical assistance.

访问 FAMU联邦信用合作社 或者是 迈阿密海湾基金会 查阅贷款计划资料. 



重建佛罗里达州商业贷款基金 -   活跃的 

佛罗里达商业贷款基金 提供资金,协助企业开展弹性工作. 这些资金将填补目前可用资金的缺口, 企业可负担得起的资本,可用于购买库存, 建设, 营运资本, 设备融资等.


需要帮助? 为调查, plese contact THE Florida Department of Economic Opportunity toll-free at 833-832-4494 或电邮至 FloridaBusinessLoanFund@deo.myflorida.昏迷€喜爱.

佛罗里达州小企业紧急过桥贷款 -  活跃的 

的 佛罗里达州小企业紧急过桥贷款计划 由总督启动,以提供短期, 向受飓风伊恩影响的企业提供无息贷款. Administered by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) in partnership with the Florida SBDC Network and Florida 第一首创金融公司 (FFCFC).

查询应直接向经济机会部(DEO),地址为 1-833-832-4494.或电邮至 FloridaBusinessLoanFund@deo.myflorida.com 



节省小企业基金-   非活动/关闭 

拯救小企业基金 是美国的一项倡议.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and is a grantmaking initative offering short-term relief for small employers in the US and its territories. 由企业和慈善合作伙伴资助, 拯救小企业基金是一项集体努力,提供5美元,向尽可能多的小雇主提供5000美元的补助金. 

点击这里 检查你的邮政编码,看看你是否在一个符合条件的社区. 

点击这里 有关此奖助金、资格和奖助金赞助者的更多信息. 




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